MedXM Patient Portal Development for Optimized Support

Project Name: MedXM

Services: Web application development, UI/UX design, Branding, Digital marketing

Region: Canada



A visionary doctor approached Conequate with the ambition to transform patient care in the Canadian healthcare landscape. Recognizing the challenges in report generation, doctor availability, and scheduling efficiency, our client envisioned the MedXM Patient Portal—a solution to revolutionize patient information management in the IT Healthcare industry.


According to data from the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) in 2020, the average number of active physicians per 1,000 population in Canada was approximately 2.9. This shortage aroused several issues for both hospitals and patients. Firstly, hospitals needed a synchronized platform where physicians’ availability could be tracked and appointments could be scheduled accordingly. Moreover, the manual patient medical report-writing process by assessors not only consumed valuable time but also introduced the risk of human errors, compromising the integrity of patient information.

Considering all this, there was a need to build a robust system that not only saves physicians time but ensures efficiency, reduces cost and eliminates error rate.

What Conequate Did

In response to these challenges, Conequate engineered a sophisticated web application utilizing Microsoft Dynamics 365 and its Power Platform’s tools; Power Apps and Power Pages. The key component of our solution was the integration of AI, where we harnessed the power of AI to automate the transcription of patient data. Our application allowed doctors to efficiently input patient information with AI assistance, replacing the laborious manual process of report creation. 

In recognition of diverse user needs, we went a step further and crafted two distinct applications within the web platform. The first application, tailored for Microsoft users, utilized Power Apps in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for seamless integration for hospitals in their database. The second application, designed for non-Microsoft users, leveraged Power Pages, embracing a no-code and low-code development approach. 

The web application, meticulously developed with Power Platforms, served as a centralized hub for healthcare information. It allowed doctors to input patient data securely with the help of AI while strictly adhering to HIPAA’s Protected Health Information (PHI) compliance standards. Our commitment to data security ensured that patient information remained confidential, with strict controls in place to prevent any unauthorized use or storage by the AI for purposes beyond healthcare support.


The impact of our solution was profound. The intelligent AI system not only simplified the health report generation process but also ensured the secure transcription of patient health information. The resulting digital reports, tailored to the specific requirements of health insurance companies, not only met compliance standards but also expedited the overall healthcare documentation.

The success was not just technological; it was practical. We crafted a single, powerful web application that catered to both Microsoft and non-Microsoft users. Beyond the development phase, our services extended to creating a visually appealing and user-friendly interface, including logo design, further enhancing the overall user experience. This application was built using Power Pages and harnessed the power of no-code and low-code development, making the development process three times faster. This not only saved significant time but also reduced costs for the client.

Key Features Implement

What The Client Had To Say

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